Saurian Safari.
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This is the 2nd edition of “Saurian Safari”, our popular tabletop dinosaur-hunting game, which was originally designed for use with the 28mm scale models produced by the Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company, (It should perhaps be pointed out here that “28mm” is the approximate height of a human figure in this scale - most of the dinosaurs are a lot bigger than that.) When it first appeared in 1999 “Saurian Safari” was envisaged as part of a much more wide-ranging “Victorian Mesozoic” alternative history campaign system, but it has proved so popular in its own right that it has taken on a life of its own, and has since accumulated two supplements containing a lot of additional animal and weapon data (including a selection of prehistoric mammals).
All of these books are now combined in this edition into a more player-friendly format, which will hopefully be easier to use (as well as being better value for money). Another drawback of the original approach was that we tried to cater for all the creatures which might be met with in an alternative world, so that players needed an unrealistically large and expensive model collection in order to use the encounter tables properly. Here we have provided a wider selection of tables, some of which now incorporate a range of options under broad headings, which will enable you to narrow down the possibilities to fit in better with the models you have available.
We have also managed to find space for many of Mark Jones’ entertaining cartoons from the 1st Edition.
You will be sent a free copy of these rules by e-mail, when any order of £20.00 or more for Dinosaurs is placed and posted out.