1957 British Antarctic Expedition Snow Cat -AA01
28mm Scale, Resin and White metal model of the B.A.E. Snow-Cat used in the 1957 Trans-Antarctic expedition. Model Dimensions 112mm Long x 42mm Wide x 40mm High.

1957-1958 Ross Ice Shelf Traverse Snow Cat -AA02
28mm Scale, Resin and White metal model of the R.I.S.T. Snow-Cat used in the 1957-1958 Antarctic Ross Ice Shelf Traverse .Model Dimensions 110mm Long x 42mm Wide x 49mm High.

1957-1958 Heavy Equipment Sled -AA03
28mm Scale, Resin model of a Heavy \Equipment Sled, towed by the B.A.E Snow Cat
Model Dimensions 64mm Long x 36mm Wide x 26mm High.

B12 Snow Bus, Early Version, 1940's-1950's -AA04
28mm Scale, Resin model of a Canadian B12 Snow Bus used through the 1940's to early 1950's
Model Dimensions 100mm Long x 31mm Wide x 40mm High.

B12 Snow Bus, 1950's version -AA05
28mm Scale, Resin model of a Canadian B12 Snow Bus used from the mid 1950's
Model Dimensions 108mm Long x 31mm Wide x 40mm High.

Thiokol Imp -AA06
28mm Scale, Resin model of an "Imp" Snow Track. A small utility vehicle used by many nations, that could be seen often around Outposts and bases.
Model Dimensions 57mm Long x 37mm Wide x 35mm High.

Trackmaster 601 -AA07
Sold out
28mm Scale, Resin model of a Trackmaster 601 Snow Track. Another vehicle used by many nations, that could be seen often around Outposts and bases. Also by used by the US military.
Model Dimensions 72mm Long x 47mm Wide x 41mm High.

Medium Dog Sled -AA08
28mm Scale, Resin model of a early twentieth century dog sled
Model Dimensions 52mm Long x 13mm Wide x 17mm High.

Large Dog Sled -AA09
28mm Scale, Resin and White Metal model of a early twentieth century dog sled used in Scott's attempt at reaching the South Pole in 1912
Model Dimensions 60mm Long x 19mm Wide x 19mm High.

Polar Camp -AA10
28mm Scale, Resin and White Metal model of a early twentieth century Polar encampment. Contains 2 tents, 4 Supply crates and 2 sets of planted ski's

Polar Bear -AA11
28mm Scale White Metal model of a Polar Bear, The only predator that actively hunts man
Model Dimensions 60mm Long x 20mm Wide x 30mm High.